
Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Being Open

This afternoon, I had a chit chat with some friends. I have heard a lot of things that has shocked me. What I mean is people who say Im open and close with people Im with. Can anyone really judge if Im really close and open to someone once they see me with someone?? kinda confusing... sorry... haha! but even I am confused. You can never know who your real friends are. Life can be so plastic. Even family can be so plastic. How you may ask?? Maybe you have experienced it yet you have no idea or don't notice that you can be surrounded by it. Its just so amazing how people can say a lot of things about you even though they aren't your close friends.

Thursday, June 15, 2006

A House Is Not A Home

there was a song i used to hear maybe in the radio which said "a house is not a home".. i couldn't understand it before but now i definitely feel it. From the moment I wake up til I lie myself to sleep, I never felt so peaceful and relaxed. Wherever I may be, I never find that HOME that I amd looking for.. Its like for the past few days, I have never felt so at home even in my ohh so big soft bed in my room. The sad part is I don't even have any idea why?? Is it because I ain't happy with who I'm with?? or maybe I just feel so empty and I got no one to lean on?? There may be persons who can open their arms and hear me out but maybe I don't want to open up to anyone no matter how close I may be to a particular someone. Whatever! I just don't understand... Maybe I'm just thinking too much and I'm making my own life miserable... well, I've got no one to blame. I guess I stop here but my confusions are still never ending.. nonstop......

Sunday, June 04, 2006


Love... Why does it have to be complicated. For my friends, i know that there are always difficulties.. complications.. contradictions.. sacrifices.. But why on earth do we always have a hard time?? Are we just being carried away for how we feel?? The feeling of being special.. wanted.. cared.. loved?? Don't we get enough love from our families?? Or are we loving the wrong way?? Is there a thing called right love?? wrong love?? It may seem that it is a bad thing for us.. but how long?? how long are we going to take the sacrifices and the hardships?? For life??

Love conquers everything.. no matter how hard the situation may be.. haha! Wow! >bilib ako!< God gave us this attribute... LOVE... difficult to explain...